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July  27 , 2024  Saturday
Home> tachometer >> speed sensor >> SZXG-10Optical speed sensor
  • Product number:MC-000080006622
  • Product name:Optical speed sensor
  • Product Type:SZXG-10
  • Product nameplate:SAIC
  • Project Category:tachometer >> speed sensor >>
  • Manufacturer:Shanghai Automation Instrumentation Co., Ltd.
  • Sales unit: Shanghai Automation Instrumentation Marketing Center
  • Information download:Click to enter the download page  
  • Introduction
  • Specifications
SZHG-10 fiber optic speed sensor is a single head reflective photoelectric sensor, non-contact measurement, it is built-electron converter unit, the measured object can bounce the light signals into electric pulse signals for counter use
Speed range: 20 ~ 100000r/mim
Detection range: less than 20mm
Output Waveform: rectangular pulse
Output signal amplitude: High> 4V
Low <0.5V
Working conditions: ambient temperature -10 ~ +40
Relative humidity ≤ 85
Power supply: DC 12 ± 0.5V
Weight: 170g.

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