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Home> tachometer >> speed sensor >> SZMZ-01Magnetic speed sensor
  • Product number:MC-000080006609
  • Product name:Magnetic speed sensor
  • Product Type:SZMZ-01
  • Product nameplate:SAIC
  • Project Category:tachometer >> speed sensor >>
  • Manufacturer:Shanghai Automation Instrumentation Co., Ltd.
  • Sales unit: Shanghai Automation Instrumentation Marketing Center
  • Information download:Click to enter the download page  
  • Introduction
  • Specifications
SZMZ-01 magnetic speed sensor can convert angular displacement into electrical impulses in the signal for the secondary instrument to use, wide measuring range, easy to install, etc, for the measurement of the user arrival rate, particularly the use of temperature from -10 ~ +65 , more popular with users.
Operating frequency: 10 ~ 5000 Hz
Power supply: 12 ± 2V (DC)
Detection gear modulus: m ≥ 1.5 (tooth width ≥ 2 mm)
Measuring distance: 0.5 ~ 1 mm
Output signal: waveform: Rectangular pulse;
Amplitude: 4.5 ± 0.5V high
Low ≤ 0.5V
Load resistance ≥ 10 KΩ
Working temperature: -10 ~ +65 ℃
Output Type: X12J4A four core plugs
Dimensions: M22 × 60 138 mm total length
Weight: 220g
Annex: X12J4A four core plugs