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July  27 , 2024  Saturday
Home> tachometer >> digital tachometer >> XJP-48Bspeed digital displays
  • Product number:MC-000078006597
  • Product name:speed digital displays
  • Product Type:XJP-48B
  • Product nameplate:SAIC
  • Project Category:tachometer >> digital tachometer >>
  • Manufacturer:Shanghai Automation Instrumentation Co., Ltd.
  • Sales unit: Shanghai Automation Instrumentation Marketing Center
  • Information download:Click to enter the download page  
  • Introduction
  • Specifications
XJP-48B speed digital displays, it uses a new chip technology, the single-chip computer processor AT89C 2051 An intelligent speed indicator, is the XSV-01B upgrade product. Enhanced reliability, it has added features and parameter setting, the lower limit alarm function, widened the scope of use. With close to switch, Hall, optical, magnetic and electric auxiliary speed sensor to measure speed, linear speed and angular velocity. Complete with flow sensor to detect flow. This indicator can be used in chemical industry, metallurgy, energy, light industry, textile, electronics, machinery, automobile and other industries. Special specifications can accept orders.
Measuring range: 6 ~ 99999r/min
Display range: 0.0001 ~ 99999. (Decimal point can be arbitrarily set)
Input signal frequency: 1Hz ~ 10kHz
Input signal amplitude: sine 300mV ~ 12V (rms)
Square wave 0.5V ~ 12V (rms)
Accuracy: 0.02
Factor setting range: 0.0001 ~ 99999.
Power supply: 220V AC 50Hz
Use environment: Temperature 0 ~ 40 , relative humidity 85%
Hole Size: 152 × 75 mm
Dimensions: 160 × 80 × 166 mm
Weight: less than 1.0 kg

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