XJP-19 speed digital displays, using 89C2051 chip microprocessor as the controller, it has four shows. Adaptation switch-type sensors, mainly for engineering automotive, shipbuilding and other industries
Power supply: 12VDC ± 15%, current is less than 0.2A;
24VDC ± 15%, current less than 0.2A;
Please specify power supply when the user subscription, 12V and 24V power supply of the digital display can not be universal.
Ambient temperature: -5-45 ℃, relative humidity ≤ 90%, non-corrosive gas field explosion
Accuracy: 0.1% ± 1 digit.
Speed range: 20 ~ 9999r/min
Dimensions: Ф107 × 82
Hole Size: Ф100
□ Work
Figures XIP-19 speed pulse signal meter on the digital filter, and cause disruption, with MT frequency measurement week method, obtained after the operation by the CPU speed and display.