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July  27 , 2024  Saturday
Home> instrument accessories >> YZF5-3Instrument Manifolds
  • Product number:MC-000000006511
  • Product name:Instrument Manifolds
  • Product Type:YZF5-3
  • Product nameplate:SAIC
  • Project Category:instrument accessories >>
  • Manufacturer:Shanghai Automation Instrumentation Co., Ltd.
  • Sales unit: Shanghai Automation Instrumentation Marketing Center
  • Information download:Click to enter the download page  
  • Introduction
  • Specifications
The valve by the training low valve, balance valve and two check (sewage) valve combination as a whole, with a variety of differential pressure, flow, liquid level transmitters such as supporting the installation, on-or off measurement points, and check on instrument at any time online, checking, calibration or sewage irrigation. Import and export of welding for the installation of over ¢ 14. Check the sewage pipe joints with rubber connection ¢ 8.