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Home> logic switch >> differential pressure >> D520/7DD Differential Pressure Controller
  • Product number:MC-000481003236
  • Product name:Differential Pressure Controller
  • Product Type:D520/7DD
  • Product nameplate:SAIC
  • Project Category:logic switch >> differential pressure >>
  • Manufacturer:Shanghai Automation Instrumentation Co., Ltd.
  • Sales unit: Shanghai Automation Instrumentation Marketing Center
  • Information download:Click to enter the download page  
  • Introduction
  • Specifications
The controller used bellows type sensor which can be used in gas, air, vapor, water, oil and other media. The setting value is adjustable and the range is 0.02-1.6 Mpa, working temperature range is 0.05-2.5 Mpa.
Ordinary type
Explosion-proof type
Working Viscosity
Switch Components
Micro switch
Micro switch
Explosion –proof levels
ExdeⅡC Certificate numberGYB00108X
Enclosure protection class
Ambient temperature
Media temperature
Installation location
Interface vertical downward
Vibration resistance
D520/7D:40 m/ s2
D520/7DK:20 m/ s2
Repeatability error
Contact capacity
AC 220V 6A(Resistive)
DC 250V 0.25A(Resistive)60Wmax
AC 250V 5A(Resistive)1250VAmax