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Home >Staff Corner >> Shanghai Automation Instrumentation Company Marketing Center held a "summing up the second quarter and third quarter program," Conference

Shanghai Automation Instrumentation Company Marketing Center held a "summing up the second quarter and third quarter program," Conference

Article Source: [2008/9/9 16:54:58]
Author:The Instrument Group News

The end of second quarter of 2008, Shanghai Automation Instrumentation Company Marketing Center staff gathered in conference rooms, common to the second quarter, to sum up the results and shortcomings, and the work of the third quarter to make plans.
The first part of the meeting by the Vice President Chen Xu Chen for the second quarter, to sum up the work, President Chen first summarizes the various departments in the outcome of the second quarter and first half of some departments that completed more than 90%, but the work There is also a degree of lack of hope in the third quarter through the efforts of all employees, improve deficiencies, sum up experience, further development of the company.
The second part of the meeting, General Manager Liang Guihua announced by the third quarter of the work plan, the total beam respectively from "for, marketing, inventory management, supply chain, supplier site to establish, such as the promotion of the site the third quarter, the company done a reasonable job of planning. in the final, Liang total proposed: strengthening the sense of responsibility, to strengthen the implementation of patients meeting degree, learn to work to think, work norms, initiative and superior communication between them reasonable working mood regulation and improve the quality of self, study hard times, do not do backward people, love the collective, love the community, love their families in eight entrepreneurial spirit, and hope that the spirit of the eight employees in mind, firmly believe that our concerted efforts, the company will go to new heights!