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Celebrate the "August 1" Army Day

Article Source: [2008/9/9 15:14:11]
Author:The Instrument Group News

August 1, 2008, Shanghai Automation Instrumentation Company of all marketing staff in the Vice President Chen Xu organized to celebrate the "Eight, an" Army Day to come.
80 years ago, the long-term perspective of the Double Ninth Festival, Hunan, Jiangxi, Chairman Mao Zedong led the Autumn Harvest Uprising forces boarded the Jinggangshan, in the red earth to establish China's first piece of red revolutionary base - Jinggangshan revolutionary base. 80 years later, in order to praise the great achievements of revolutionary martyrs Jinggangshan, carrying forward the great spirit Jinggangshan, Shanghai Automation Instrumentation Company marketing center employees together to celebrate this great moment, deputy general manager Chen Xu address for this celebration, he said: "Today, we gather to celebrate the 81 anniversary of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. First of all, on behalf of Shanghai Automation Instrumentation Co., Ltd. Marketing Centre staff, to the People's Liberation Army, armed police and reserve military extended holiday greetings to troops from retired cadres and military family members, express our sincere condolences and best wishes! wish everyone happy holidays and good health and smooth work! "
Activities in the thick atmosphere of the celebration ended.